Thursday, August 5, 2010

Booklet Outline

Name: Mason Bradbury

Institution: Shawnee State University

Community Partner: Portsmouth Pantry Garden

What did you do in 8 weeks?
My colleagues and I grew over 20 different vegetable crops and distributed over 1800 lbs (1857.75 lbs is the latest count) of food to local pantries. I also led a canning demonstration and helped plan a fundraiser dinner with garden produce to support next year’s community garden. In order to make the whole process accessible to those who will continue the garden next year, I have kept a careful log of everything done, grown and produced.

What did you learn?
Two things: first, it is surprisingly easy to mobilize people if you present them with something in which they can believe; second, good leadership, more than goals, mission statements or ideals, is the key to successful projects.

What was your biggest impact?

Without a doubt, the 1850 lbs of healthy, fresh food we provided to pantry users affected the community. Hopefully, however, the establishment of a foundation of engaged community members will carry the garden on to next year and have a more lasting impact.

How has the experience changed you and the community you served?

I have gained a better and more nuanced understanding of the role that community service and charity plays and should play in our society. The community, meanwhile, has gained a valuable asset in the pantry garden and the people who have committed themselves to it.

Quotes from the community partner and from a community member about the services you were able to bring to the community:

Sorry, I have only one quote. This comes from the Pantry Garden facebook page we created.

Portsmouth... For the first time in my life, you have made me proud to call you home
[in reference to the pantry garden].

Action photo!!

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