Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hello all. This is Katy from the Mount Union Nature Center. I'm going to keep this short and sweet. Of course I wanna see our gardens at Feed My Sheep grow and produce a lot this year! Hopefully that will happen with the help of our garden watchdog Glenna (she lives across the street and takes care of them when we can't). And also, I hope we have a lasting impact with the kids at Maple Beach Park. Three days with them and so far, so good! They are excellent kids and I look forward to the coming weeks. Hopefully all our planned activities and learning opportunities work out for them and for us!

My personal goals: to get at least one kid who hates math to change their mind and like it...somehow! And my somewhat iffy yet hoped for goal is to create a raised garden bed at Maple Beach Park. The park is in amongst a bunch of government housing so hopefully the families there will use it. And hopefully it won't be destroyed by the bad kids in town. I think Cali's writing tomorrow. Later y'all :)

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