Saturday, July 31, 2010

The last week of camp

This is Brenna once again with a slightly belated post from Hiram House Camp. The camp actually ended this week, so next week I'll be cleaning and tying up some loose ends.
Our last week was a lot of fun. For the classes with campers-I had 3-5 each day- we cooked stew over a fire using quinoa and adding chives, basil, lettuce, zucchini and squash blossoms from the garden. Some groups were also totally resourceful and picked wild ramps and mint to add to the stew. Although it wasn't always the finest tasting dish it was really enjoyable to watch the kids engage themselves and get excited about the stew; most likely it was the first time a lot of them have cooked for themselves.

We also visited the animals at the farmstead with a few classes, and the last day, I tried playing a game with some classes that is meant to help them understand how wealth is distributed in the world. Playing the game involves setting up a mock banquet and distributing some kind of food, I used pretzels, proportionately to the distribution in of wealth in the world. In other words, one kid gets a fat stack of pretzels and most of the others recieve crumbs. Typically the kids react confused and angry at first, but after a small conversation and some thoughtful remarks they start to see the intended purpose of the game.

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