Saturday, July 17, 2010

week 5 at Mt. Union

Cali here. I can't really say much about the article. I found it difficult to concentrate on. from what I understand from the article is that farms are having a har time making money but what else is new.
the past week at maple Beech Park was a lot of fun. One kid that causes the most problems was not there all week, so there were no fights breaking out. Katy and I focused a lot on insects this week. thursday i brought in two of my insect collections. the kids were a little freaked out but they all thought it was really sweet. they were asking questions and picking them up, and a few of the kids wanted to take some of the bugs home. one of the kids brought me a moth that they caught in there home. I was very excited about this because they thought of me instead of killing it.
the community gardens are doing great. Glenna, the garden watch dog, is doing great maintance on them. we are harvsting tomatos, cucumbers, radishes, carrots, lettuce, and a ton of marigolds. Katy and I are still working on the raised beds at te homless shelter. after we get some more soil in them we will be able to start planting.

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