Monday, July 12, 2010

Week 4 at Mount Union

I think the heat made everyone a little crazy this past week. The kids at our lunch site were crankier than ever! As an experiment, more or less, we decided not to do our activity chart this past week which probably did not help in keeping order. Those kids like earning stickers...they know we're giving away something big at the end!

Hopefully this week will go a little better at Maple Beach; we're planning on doing a nature scavenger hunt today if the rain holds off.
The gardens at Feed My Sheep are still coming along nicely. Along with all of the marigolds littering the beds, we have lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini, radishes, and carrots. Hopefully these will all be ready to harvest soon!

We also weeded garden beds at the homeless shelter this past week and will probably go back sometime this week to put in fresh topsoil. These are smaller garden beds but they already have 3 volunteer tomato plants!

Let's hope this is a better week for Maple Beach and a bountiful one at Feed My Sheep!

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